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"The details are not the details.
They make the design "

- Charles Eames -


My name is Cecilia and I am a girl who has always loved colors and creative hobbies!

In my wandering from one hobby to another I started from the half point, moving on to the creation of candles and Swarovski jewels, up to the world of knitting, which I looked at since childhood with admiration, stalking my grandmother to make me dresses for me or my dolls.

It was growing up that, at 16, I told her I absolutely had to learn!

It was in the early 2000s that I approached this amazing world made of colors, unique and multifaceted points, but also of relaxation and total satisfaction.

It was then curiosity that prompted me to learn about modern techniques, such as the use of circular needles to avoid the boring seams of sweaters, and to discover the world of foreign and hand-dyed yarns with unimaginable colors that I would hardly have found in the haberdashery of the country. . The increasingly convinced search for yarns composed of purely natural fibers (“more wool and less acrylic is my motto) has opened up a world for me. This is the world that I would like, little by little, to bring to my site, within your reach and your irons!

On this portal I would like to share not only yarns, but also ideas, knowledge and experiences.

This is why I created the Knit Cafè within the site, that is the space to take a break, chat and learn something new!

I hope that when you enter here, you will feel a little at home and above all you will find a place where you can release your desire for knitting!


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